90 年代能接触到网络的 CRPG 粉丝可能对史蒂夫・莫拉夫(Steve Moraff)制作的某款游戏有所印象:《莫拉夫的复仇》(Moraff's Revenge,1988)、《莫拉夫的世界》(Moraff's World,1991)或《莫拉夫的无情地牢》(Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven,1993)——这三款都是当时以共享软件的方式流传甚广的地牢探险游戏。
CRPG fans that had access to the Internet in the 90s might have seen one of Steve Moraff's games: Moraff's Revenge (1988), Moraff's World (1991) and Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven (1993), a trio of widely distributed shareware dungeon crawlers.
Moraff's World is the best-known, but they all offer basically the same gameplay, with incremental graphical upgrades. Regardless, the series never goes beyond a crude Microsoft Paint-like art style.
《莫拉夫的世界》的罕见特色之一就是它支持 12 种不同的图像模式,从 4 色的 CGA 模式到 256 色的 SVGA 模式应有尽有,因此游戏几乎可以在任何电脑上运行。
Moraff's World has a rare trait: it supports 12 different video modes, from 4 colour CGA all the way to 256 colour SVGA, which made it easy to run in any computer.

战斗是回合制的,非常简单。战士只能攻击,但魔法师就有超过 100 种咒语可供选用。
Combat is turn-based and very simple. Fighters can only attack, but magic users have over 100 spells at their disposal.

Dungeon floors are random and massive. The game gives tips on the location of special enemies, but navigating towards them is a big challenge.
游戏的玩法差不多是 rougelike 游戏和《巫术(Wizardry)》的融合。首先是创建角色,有八个种族和七个职业可供选择,然后你就能一头扎进巨大的随机生成地牢去探险了。战斗会获得经验,回城则可以治疗、升级、购买更好的装备。
而在正式版中,竟一共有 200 个这样的任务楼层!这不仅让游戏变得重复性极强,还在某种程度上破坏了游戏平衡。角色发展因此停滞不前,战斗系职业变得完全没用了,因为只有依靠咒语才能快速上下楼层、传送、治疗、施法,从会吸取等级的怪物手中保护自己。
在那个电脑还是新奇事物,像是《创世纪(Ultima)》那样零售贩卖的 RPG 游戏还很昂贵的年代,莫拉夫的游戏门槛很低、关卡仿佛无穷无尽。也许,正确看待这类游戏(以及许多类似的 90 年代以共享软件传播的游戏)的方式是把它们比作现在的手游或者页游——有人可能会说这些根本不是“真正”的游戏,但它们确实受众广泛。可能比起那些所谓的经典之作,玩过这些游戏的人还要更多一些。
What really stands out in Moraff's games is the four-way first-person view: you constantly see what's North, South, East and West of you. There's no “facing” – you can attack in any direction, and pressing the left arrow key moves you left, instead of turning.
Gameplay is a blend of roguelikes and Wizardry. You create a character, choosing from eight races and seven classes, then delve into an enormous, randomly generated dungeon. You battle, gather XP and return to town to heal, level up and buy better equipment.
There's little variety in items or monsters, but it still makes for a surprisingly addictive loop, as you try to go as deep as possible, balancing risk and reward. There's no real story or goal either, but there are floors where you can hunt a monster that holds a treasure, following simple hints like “Go East” or “Go North”.
These floors are the game at its best. The sheer size of each floor and the countless hidden pits that drop you a few floors make navigation very tricky. You'll have to think three-dimensionally, using the floors above and below to move towards your goal. The shareware version of Moraff's World offers four of these hunts, on the 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th floors.
The registered version, however, has 200 floors! Not only does this become insanely repetitive, but it breaks parts of the game. Character progression stagnates and Fighters becomes useless, as spells are mandatory to quickly ascend and descent floors, teleport, heal, enchant and protect yourself from level-draining monsters.
In an age when computers were still novel and retail RPGs like Ultima were expensive, Moraff's games were accessible and seemingly endless. Perhaps the best way to understand them (and many 90s sharewares) is to compare them with mobile or browser-based games – some discard them as not “real” games, yet they are widely played, often more than acclaimed classics.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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