跨平台 3A 大作的纪元
零五到零九年这段时间里,游戏业几乎是少数几家公司的天下,比如 EA、动视(Activision)、育碧(Ubisoft)这样的大型开发商,以及任天堂(Nintendo)、索尼(Sony)、微软(Microsoft)这三家主机厂商。
寡头垄断的局面,加上前所未有的高制作成本,导致了游戏业发展的停滞。为了利益最大化,每个独立游戏都必须尽可能登上所有平台,从而规避风险,这当时行业的铁律。成功的游戏发展成了系列 IP(franchise),每年都规律地推出新作,《刺客信条》(Assassin’s Creed)和《使命召唤》(Call of Duty)系列就是其中代表。然而也有不少系列作品在推出几作后就销声匿迹,比如《吉他英雄》(Guitar Hero)、《摇滚乐队》(Rock Band)、《托尼· 霍克滑板》(Tony Hawk)以及《极品飞车》(Need for Speed)等。
此时,第七世代主机[1] 的到来把开发成本又抬高了一层,游戏推广费用则动辄数百万美元。没有多少公司能负担起这样的花销,而能负担得起的公司则开始为其作品冠以“3A”的名号,以彰显它们的与众不同。
为了适应这个主机时代,许多 PC 端的传统做法不得不做出调整,这就为游戏行业带来了许多创新,比如《质量效应》(Mass Effect,2007)的对话轮盘,《战争机器》(Gears of War,2006)的慢节奏掩体射击,以及采用付费 DLC 而不是封装好的资料片形式推出额外内容。
然而,玩家感兴趣的不仅仅是技术高端、烧钱无数的大制作。在这五年间,Steam 开始售卖独立游戏,Direct2Drive、GOG 和 Green Man Gaming[2] 相继创立,微软也推出了 Live Arcade 平台,因此独立游戏制作者和规模较小的开发商也有机会赢得巨大的玩家群体。
不过这一过程相当漫长。独立出版的游戏,比如《自由力量对战第三帝国》(Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich,2005)就在早期饱受其苦——在 2005 年,要买到非 3A 的游戏并不容易,因为没有几家实体店会出售它们,而线上购买在当时的人们看来仍是既难操作又不安全的一件事。
此外,虽然 2007-2008 年的经济危机对游戏业的影响并不如其他行业严重,但纸媒危机倒是对其来了当头一棒。《电脑游戏世界》(Computer Gaming World)、《PC 空间》(PC Zone)、《电子游戏月刊》(Electronic Gaming Monthly)以及《电脑与主机游戏》(Computer and Video Games)等知名游戏杂志在免费浏览的网页面前败下阵来,纷纷停刊。
2005 到 2009 年的焦点是 3A 大作以及偶尔爆红的《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)、《农场乡村》(FarmVille)[3] 这种小游戏。它们都是面向尽可能广的受众而设计的,如果喜欢这类游戏,你会有源源不断的爆款可玩;但如果你偏爱较为冷门的游戏体裁和风格,恐怕你只能苦苦煎熬,靠着东欧的小众游戏、少数没有倒闭的中规模工作室以及《洞窟物语》(Cave Story)、《地下之门:复活》(Nethergate: Resurrection)这类罕见的独立游戏来过活。
The peak of AAA
& the casual revolution
The second half of the 00s saw the gaming industry almost entirely dominated by a few giant publishers like EA, Activision and Ubisoft, plus three console manufactures – Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.
This oligopoly, coupled with the ever-high production costs, led to stagnation. To maximize profit, every third-party game had to come out on every possible platform, and avoiding risks was the rule of the day.
Successful games became “franchises”, to be followed by a schedule of yearly releases. Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty are often held as icons of this, but many series vanished after several repetitive releases, such as Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Tony Hawk, Need For Speed, etc. A few, like Tomb Raider and Mortal Kombat, only being salvaged by recent reboots.
The arrival of the seventh console generation raised the development costs even further, and now marketing campaigns also required millions. Very few companies could keep up with such vosts, and these began to sell their games as “AAA” – a way to set themselves apart.
To better fit this console-dominated world, many traditions from PCs had to be adapted, leading to innovations such as Mass Effect's (2007) dialog wheel, Gears of War's (2006) slower paced cover-based shooting and the use of paid DLCs instead of packaged expansions.
However, people weren't interested only in cutting edge games that cost millions of dollars to create. With Steam starting to sell third-party titles, GOG, Direct2Drive and Green Man Gaming being founded and Microsoft creating the Live Arcade market, it started to became possible for indies & smaller developers to reach a large audience.
But it was a slow process. Self-published games such as Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich (2005) suffered heavily early on, as buying non-AAA games during the mid 2000s wasn't easy – few physical stores sold them and digital distribution was still seen as confusing and unsafe.
Finally, while the financial recession of 2007-2008 didn't affect games as much as other industries, the crisis in printed journalism did. Several established gaming magazines such as Computer Gaming World, PC Zone, Eletronic Gaming Monthly and Computer and Video Games all went out of business, unable to compete with freely available websites.
It was a time centered on massive AAA titles and casual crazes like Angry Birds and Farmville, designed to reach the largest audience possible. If you enjoyed them, you had a steady stream of popular hits. However, those interested in less popular genres and styles were left wanting, feeding off niche Eastern Europe titles, a few surviving mid-sized studios and rare indie titles like Cave Story and Nethergate: Resurrection.
Only at the very end of the decade things started to change.
1 译者注:通常指微软 Xbox 360、索尼 PS3、任天堂 Wii 等主机。
2 译者注:三者均为与 Steam 类似的游戏平台。其中 Direct2Drive 由 IGN 于 2004 年创立,后几经转手,现隶属于 Atgames;GOG创立于 2008 年,隶属于波兰游戏公司 CD Projekt;Direct2Drive 创立于 2009 年,不隶属于其他游戏公司。
3 译者注:这是 Facebook 上的一个农场游戏,类似于《开心农场》,推出后红极一时。游戏没有官方中文名,《农场乡村》为台湾民间译名。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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