BioWare, 2005
Windows, Mac, Xbox, iOS 和 Android
BioWare, 2005
Windows, Mac, Xbox, iOS and Android

人们都说好的艺术应该是带着镣铐跳舞,而不是随心所欲自由发挥。而《翡翠帝国(Jade Empire)》则是 BioWare 从《龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)》的规则设定,以及《星球大战(Star Wars)》官方游戏的镣铐中解放出来的产物。BioWare 重新拥有了完完整整的创作自由,自从他们 1996 年推出《超钢战神(Shattered Steel)》以来,这还是头一回。
一眼看去,游戏最出彩的便是其“武侠”世界观。BioWare 打造的远东幻想世界历史丰厚、多姿多彩。这片大陆旅商云集,更有武术大师前来精进技艺,元素之力与各类灵气举足轻重,深深地影响了世界的运行。然而,虽然 BioWare 找了许多资料来调配出自己的世界观,但他们并没能添加足够多的原创要素。整个世界依然只是深受中国影视与文学作品影响的缝合之作。本作的世界观确实不同寻常,还藏有未被探索的潜力,但它怎么也算不上是新颖的原创之作。
There's a popular saying about good art being about constraints, not about freedom. Jade Empire sees BioWare freed from the constraints of the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset and setting, as well as from the looming presence of the Star Wars canon. The studio had total creative freedom for the first time since Shattered Steel, back in 1996.
The result? A mix of wonderful creative invention and dreadful literary excess.
The most striking aspect on display is the game's “wuxia” setting. BioWare's Far Eastern fantasy world is ripe with lore and lush with colour. It's a land of travelling merchants, of martial artists looking to hone their craft, where elements and spirits exert palpable influence in the world. But in mixing and matching from the rich source material, BioWare didn't add enough of its own. The world is a pastiche of influences from Chinese cinema and literature. It is an unusual, underused setting, but it never feels original.
Meanwhile, too many characters are far too eager to dump lore on you for the sake of doing so. Jade Empire's world is likely to bore you into not caring about it before you're done with the first village.
《翡翠帝国》于 2005 年首发于 Xbox。Windows 移植版是 2007 年推出的,名为“特别版”并增加了额外内容。2016 年,BioWare 还把该游戏移植到了移动平台上。
Jade Empire was first released for the Xbox in 2005. The Windows port came in 2007, called Special Edition and adding extra features. In 2016, BioWare also ported the game to mobile platforms.

The character system is very simplistic: there are three stats, upgrades to each fighting style, a morality bar and gems that you equip in your magical amulet.
如果说制作组构建世界观不够上心,那编写剧情的时候又过于上心了。初始任务表面上是常见的“天选之子”,但很快你就能见到游戏史上最优秀的转折之一。这种转折之所以优秀,是因为它会给你提示,让你隐约能猜到一点,但就算这样你还是会吓一跳。这种转折很难在游戏中实现,但《翡翠帝国》做到了,并且至今为止依然是 BioWare 最厉害的游戏叙事之一。虽然也有一些凑数的对话,配音演出也不尽如人意,但它依然熠熠生辉。
然而,作为 BioWare 现代游戏的主要卖点,你的队友质量却时好时坏。多数队友虽然没什么话要说,但一直絮絮叨叨——连恋爱要素都感觉有点像是后来添加的。有几位队友能脱颖而出,那是因为他们的性格离奇古怪。确实,《翡翠帝国》的搞笑幽默要素出类拔萃,但和别的 BioWare RPG 游戏比起来,这款游戏故事的关注点完全放在你的身上。
战斗方面,制作方放弃了一贯的实时可暂停系战斗,而是为《翡翠帝国》做了一套完整的、以行动为主导的系统。这套系统在主机上运行更为流畅,并且未来会成为《质量效应(Mass Effect)》的跳板,不过期间的过渡并不是一帆风顺。
整段旅程之中,你一共会学到超过 30 种战斗风格。有些是在速度和力量上有差异;另一些则可以附加负面状态。有些战斗风格注重武器和元素魔法,甚至会有能把你变成巨大蛤蟆恶魔或是玉石魔像的风格。你可以同时装备一到四种战斗风格,战斗中——甚至连招到一半都可以随时切换。
If the world-building is tepid, the narrative is anything but. What starts as a familiar “Chosen One” quest leads to one of the best plot twists in gaming. Good twists are the ones where you have the clues to figure them out laid before you, but they surprise you anyway. Twists like this are rare and hard to pull off in games. Jade Empire manages it, in what is one of BioWare's finest storytelling moments to date. That it shines despite the filler dialogue and weak voice acting speaks to its strength.
Companion characters, the bread-and-butter of BioWare's modern output, are hit-and-miss. Most talk too much while having very little to say – even the romances feel like a bit of an afterthought. The ones that stand out do so thanks to their quirky personalities. In fact, Jade Empire is at its best when it tries to be funny and tongue-in-cheek. But more than any other BioWare RPG, this story is all about you.
Combat-wise, Jade Empire sees the company abandoning its usual real-time-with-pause combat for a full action-based system. This feels more natural on a console and would serve as a stepping stone to Mass Effect, but the transition wasn't smooth.
When combat starts, the camera zooms out and locks on an enemy. Then, it's a matter of dodging, strafing, blocking and attacking at the right time – alternating quick, power and area attacks to create combos – often against several opponents. Still, your biggest foe will likely be the game's poor camera.
During your journey you'll learn over 30 fighting styles. Some vary in speed and strength; others inflict status afflictions. A few focus on weapons and elemental magic, and there are even styles that transform you into a giant Toad Demon or a Jade Golem. You can equip up to four at one and switch between them during combat – even midway through combos.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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