Dontnod Entertainment, 2018
Windows, PS4, Xbox One 和 Switch
Dontnod Entertainment, 2018
Windows, PS4, Xbox One and Switch

表面上看,这游戏还挺有潜力的。环境背景的质量很高,从而得以使这个破败不堪的伦敦“活”了过来。游戏里时常会有这样的瞬间:大提琴和电音相互结合的背景音乐为昏暗街道烘托气氛,营造出令人拍案叫绝的美学瞬间。同样地,游戏里也针对高傲的贵族和热心善良的平民等常见的中心隐喻[1] 进行了优秀且细致的描写,充分向玩家展现了那个时代的民生问题与社会顽疾。
The clash between delivering a novel experience and accommodating audiences via familiarity is as old as art itself. Some ignore one aspect altogether in favor of the other, but others try to strike a balance. Unfortunately, Vampyr stands as a textbook example of why you can't “nickel & dime” creativity.
Superficially, things look quite promising. A lot of high quality environmental art was created so that this decrepit version of London was brought to life. There are moments when the cello and electronic music stings combine with the murky streets to create some truly admirable aesthetic moments. Likewise, there are some well-executed genre tropes regarding haughty nobles and the kind-hearted downtrodden, moments that show the people of this age and their societal ills.

Jonathan can help and cure citizens, or kill them to become stronger. The more you learn about them, the more XP you get if you decide to kill them.

在重要的 NPC 居住的环境之外,街道上充满了无尽的人类或是怪物,杀了他们一点后果也没有。
Outside of where important NPCs live, the streets are filled with endless groups of humans and monsters to be killed without any consequence.
《吸血鬼》的核心在于把主角当作一个故事架构[2] 用于描述一个游戏性上的冲突:到底是让玩家选择方便快捷的体验,还是让其坚守道德底线。乔纳森· 里德(Jonathan Reid)是一个一战尾声回家的退役军医,结果发现伦敦深受传染病侵袭,摇摇欲坠。他回家的旅程也因遭遇了袭击戛然而止,同时也使他感染成了一名吸血鬼。乔纳森·里德也因此开启了夜班医生的旅程,与此同时努力为自己寻找解药。
因此,乔纳森时常会动邪念想要吸食病人的血液,以此来获得能力上的大幅增强。这个道德困境同时也被游戏的社会系统进一步阐明,这个系统追踪了每一个 NPC 的动向,使得玩家可以发现 NPC 所做的善事与恶习。不过,很不幸的是,这个系统与游戏别的方面不太匹配:游戏的方方面面都与战斗系统挂钩,而这套战斗系统往好了说也只能算是无功无过。
作为一款 RPG 游戏,《吸血鬼》主要是围绕着你如何自定义自己的杀人能力来展开的,要说游戏的非战斗部分完全因此而缺失也不为过。《吸血鬼》被一些经典设定而严重拖累了,比如游戏里会刷新无名 NPC,而他们根本不属于游戏的社会系统里面。
简单地说,《吸血鬼》80% 的部分都是一款纯正的动作 RPG 游戏。游戏本应该成为一款关于闹鬼超自然生物的戏剧性作品,比如像《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with a Vampire)一样,但最后游戏变成了类似于《黑夜传说》(Underworld)那样有着一个穿着皮衣的暗黑超级英雄的奇幻作品。
However, a few poignant aesthetic moments and sporadic sharp dialogues do not a cult classic make, and all of it is mere stylish distraction which cannot hide the lack of substance.
The core of Vampyr is based on using the protagonist as a framing device for the conflict between player convenience vs. moral integrity. Jonathan Reid is a veteran doctor who returns home towards the tail end of WW1 only to find an Influenza-stricken London teetering on the brink of collapse. His homecoming is cut short by an attack which inflicts vampirism upon him, setting up his quest of moonlighting as a medic while trying to find a cure for his condition.
Thus, Jonathan is constantly tempted to feed on patients, which provides the most significant amount of power advancement. This dilemma is contextualized by a social system which keeps track of every NPC and offers clues that can be discovered regarding their vices and virtues. However, this is woefully mismatched with the rest of the game, in which every aspect of the gameplay serves a mediocre-at-best combat system.
As an RPG, Vampyr is all about how you customize your murder abilities. To say that non-combat abilities are sorely missed would be an understatement. This is a game choked by generic conventions, such as nameless respawning mobs that exist outside the social system.
Put simply, for 80% of its length Vampyr plays as a generic Action-RPG. What should feel like a drama about haunted supernatural creatures, such as Interview with a Vampire, actually ends up as the leather-clad dark superhero fantasy of the Underworld series.
Overall, Vampyr is conceptually interesting, but practically toothless due to the lack of commitment to the social system and the thematic questions that are asked by its premise.
1 译者注:中心隐喻(Tropes),而原文使用的是 Genre Tropes,具体指的是不同题材中的中心隐喻。此名词翻译取自华东师范大学中文系比较文学教授金雯教授的翻译。中心隐喻作为一个文学研究概念,指的是某一类文学艺术作品或是某一作家的作品中反复出现的某一元素、主题或意象。例如在恐怖主题作品中通常会出现一个闹鬼的房屋,在狄更斯的作品中通常会出现压迫与反抗等元素,在某种程度上《吸血鬼》正是有一丝狄更斯的风味。
2 译者注:故事架构(Framing Device),通俗理解为“故事中的故事”,其通常运用一个角色在小说、电影等故事的开头讲解一个故事,并在讲解完这个故事进行一些简单的收尾。作家通常运用这种技巧来将故事处于一个框架之内,并且运用讲解者的视角来实现此目的。例如毛姆的小说中经常以“我”这个角色进行讲解,但故事的主人公并不是“我”。在《吸血鬼》中,作者也是将乔纳森·里德作为一个承载故事的客体来呈现游戏的主体。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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