Cyanide Studios and Spiders, 2012
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3
Cyanide Studios and Spiders, 2012
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3
只从文笔来看,《妖兽与人类(Of Orcs and Men)》绝对是 RPG 游戏中一颗蒙尘的宝石。如果你喜欢剧情向 RPG,那我极力推荐你试试它。说自己是“成人向”的游戏数不胜数,但这部作品是真真正正地把握了精髓,而不仅仅是写点脏话——当然,这里面脏话也很多,但和整个游戏的基调十分契合。
Purely from a writing standpoint, this game is one of the most overlooked gems of the RPG genre. If you love story-driven RPGs, I highly suggest considering this game. Tons of games talk about “mature themes”, but this one really hits the nail on the head – not just with the adult language (which there's a lot of, but it fits the game's themes well).
The story covers racism, slavery, political ambition, violence, and betrayal. This is not the clichéd story of a hero setting out to stop a great evil that threatens the world. The war between orcs and humans has been decidedly one-sided and, in a desperate bid to prevent the enslavement of all orcs, an elite orc military unit receives orders for a suicide mission: kill the human emperor.
总而言之,《妖兽与人类》绝不是一款人皆爱之的游戏,但如果你本来就喜欢剧情向 RPG,你很可能会深陷其中,沉醉于这些有意思的人物,流连于这个令人惊叹的世界。
In a bold creative choice, Of Orcs and Men puts you in control of the “monsters” – Arkail, a brutish orc, and Styx, a stealthy, smart-ass goblin. Both of them are well-written and it's interesting to see how their interactions with each other change as the story progresses. The plot also contains a few unexpected and well-developed twists, which turns the original plan into something much greater.
The developers have also done a good job connecting the characters' personalities to their fighting styles. The combat is real-time-with-pause, allowing you to switch back and forth between characters and queue attacks – but before charging into battle you can try sneaking around with Styx and quietly assassinate as many enemies as possible.
The orc, Arkail, is a great embodiment of the berserker-type warrior, and not just in the writing. He sports a rage meter that fills when he takes damage. Once full, he goes into a literally uncontrollable rage. It can turn the tide of a battle in your favour due to the damage boost, but can also cost you heavily thanks to the lack of defence and its potential to accidentally kill Styx. Some combo attacks are also available, such as having Arkail throw the goblin into enemies.
Unfortunately, the game is extremely linear, with almost no exploration or player agency. The maps are repetitive, mostly long corridors full of combat, with minimal detours to occasionally find some loot. There are a handful of side-quests, but they usually just offer more of the same. And there's pretty much no choice and consequence – the game is going to play out in a certain way no matter your dialogue choices.
Of Orcs and Men is definitely not for everyone, but if you enjoy story-driven RPGs there's a very good chance you'll find yourself sucked in, wanting more of the amazing characters and world.
1 译者注:“Styx”一词源于希腊语词汇“Stux”,常译为“冥河”,是希腊神话中冥界五河之一,也是摆渡人卡戎所在的河流。