Ska Studios, 2016
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Switch等
Ska Studios, 2016
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Switch, etc

近年来,横版“类魂”游戏层出不穷,而引领了这一潮流的正是《盐与避难所》(Salt and Sanctuary)。刚一打开游戏,你就能发现源自《黑暗之魂》(Dark Souls)系列的灵感:腐朽世界里的黑暗气氛、寥寥无几的可互动 NPC、相似的死亡机制、疲劳系统、护甲的运作方式,以及战斗的难度。
和《黑暗之魂》系列一样,游戏开始时要选择角色的初始职业、种族以及性别。这些仅仅是一个起点,随后玩家可以在庞大的技能树上花费点数来定制自己的角色,最终可以解锁种类相当丰富的游玩方式。大量的道具和装备进一步增加了开发角色能力的自由度,这是《盐与避难所》最大的优点之一。你想要成为敏捷的盗贼,法师,还是大块头的骑士?你可以任意选择其中之一,又或者全都要。不同的 Boss 需要玩家采用不同的策略,但所有的敌人都同样危险——因为玩家在回避攻击以及在平台间跳跃时必须时刻关注自己的耐力条。
游戏的死亡机制也和魂系列非常相似。当你死亡的时候——而且你会死很多次——你的角色会在最近的避难所重生。铁匠、商人、魔法教师以及其他 NPC 也会在这里提供服务。其中一个 NPC 会让你可以进入双人游玩的本地合作模式。我试过这个模式,尽管场面让人手忙脚乱,而且比单人更简单一点,但仍然很有趣。某些避难所和派系势力相关联,这些势力会提供独特的增益和优势。
In recent years, side-scrolling “Souls-like” games are aplenty, but the one that started it all was Salt and Sanctuary. Immediately upon launching the game, you'll see the inspiration from the Dark Souls series. The dark mood of its decaying world, very few NPCs to talk to, similar death mechanics, fatigue system, the way armor works, and the difficulty of combat.
Like in the Souls games, you begin by picking your character's archetype class, race, and gender. These are just starting points, as later on the player can customize their character by spending points on a large skill tree, accessing a wide variety of play styles. The amount of items and equipment adds further to the freedom of developing your character, one of Salt and Sanctuary's stronger points. Do you want to be an agile roguish character, a mage, or a bulky knight? You can be one of those, or you can mix and match. Different bosses require different tactics, but all enemies are dangerous, as the player must dodge attacks and jump around platforms while keeping track of their stamina.
The game's death mechanic is also similar to the Souls series. When you die – and you will die a lot – your character respawns at the closest sanctuary. Blacksmiths, merchants, magic teachers, and other people inhabit these places, offering their services. One such NPC will allow you to play the game in two-player local co-op. I experienced this, and while things did get hectic and easier than playing alone, it was still fun. Certain sanctuaries are also tied down to factions, each offering unique bonuses and advantages.
As for the “Metroidvania” genre inspirations, your character will unlock new movement abilities that allow access to new areas while also making it worthwhile to revisit previous locations. These abilities can be everything from wall jumping, double jumping or exploring some areas while being upside down.
Ska Studio 的第一款游戏是 2007 年的《洗碗工:死亡武士》(The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai),由 James Silva 开发。他的妻子 Michelle 加入了《盐与避难所》的开发。续作《盐与献祭》(Salt and Sacrifice)计划于 2022 年推出。
Ska Studios' first game was 2007's The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, developed by James Silva. For Salt and Sanctuary, his wife Michelle joined in. A sequel, Salt and Sacrifice, is planned for 2022.
《盐与避难所》能够脱颖而出,是因为开发者成功地把两种类型游戏的特色融合进了优秀的成品之中。本作提供了完整的动作 RPG 体验、坚实的探索、有挑战也有乐趣的战斗,以及黑暗而压抑的世界。平台跳跃部分有可能过于苛刻,但关卡设计总体足够扎实。《盐与避难所》把 2D 类魂式战斗和类银河战士恶魔城式的探索出色地结合在了一起,为这一新的子品类设立了一个标杆。作为一个夫妻二人合作的项目,这实在是一项壮举。
The level design is non-linear and impressive in general, with many secrets to be found behind hidden walls, pits or difficult platforming sections. In some parts, precise platforming is the focus, while in others looking out for environmental traps is more important.
What makes Salt and Sanctuary so good is how the developer managed to mix its two inspirations into an excellent package. It offers a complete Action RPG experience, with solid exploration, challenging but fun combat, a dark and bleak world, and platforming that can be finicky, but it's still solid enough. This excellent mix of 2D Souls-like combat and “Metroidvania” style exploration set the standard for this new sub-genre. Quite a feat for a husband-and-wife project.

《盐与避难所》中的很多要素都直接取自魂系列游戏,例如可以使用 boss 的尸体部位来制作独特的物品。
Many elements of Salt and Sanctuary are directly taken from the Souls games, such as crafting unique items from the body parts of defeated bosses.

Levels are often vertical, placing enemies in sneaky positions. You’ll have to jump, climb and dodge your way to them.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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