我开始接触诸如种族主义之类的东西,然后我在《创世纪 6》中所做的是:我带来了一个看起来非常恶魔化的种族:他们有角,他们有带皮的翅膀,他们有长爪 […] 我让你假设他们是邪恶的,而事实上他们有家庭、文学和科学,他们对你的悲痛与人类社会长期以来对他们所做的事情有关。事实上,输掉游戏的方式是赢得战斗。而赢得游戏的方法则是实现和平。

I began to reach into things like racism, and what I did with Ultima VI was I brought in a race of beings that look very demonic: they have horns, they have leathery wings, they have long claws. [...] I set you up to assume that they were evil, when in fact they have families and literature and science, and their grief with you is associated with things that the human society has been doing to them over time. In fact, the way to lose the game is to win the battle. The way to win the game is to force peace.

《创世纪 6》的设计师
Richard Garriott,
Ultima VI's designer

《创世纪 6》被广泛认为是第一部既有深刻叙事又有高度详细世界的《创世纪》作品。

Ultima VI is widely regarded as the first Ultima which had both a deep narrative and a highly detailed world.

“开放世界”游戏的概念并不新鲜,甚至第一部《创世纪》游戏也可以被视为“开放世界”。但《创世纪 6》在此基础上进行了扩展,取消了双重规模的世界设计,而这种设计一直是以前的《创世纪》(实际上也是到那时为止的大多数其他 CRPG)的一个关键特征。

在“主世界”地图上,城市和城镇被描绘成单一的块状图标,玩家必须“进入”该地图,才能被带到另一张满是建筑和 NPC 的地图上。在《创世纪 6》中,建筑物和 NPC 位于山和森林旁边——所有的不列颠尼亚都可以一次性探索完毕。

The concept of “open-world” gaming is not new; even the first Ultima game can be considered “openworld”. But Ultima VI expanded upon it by doing away with the dual-scale world design that had been a key characteristic of previous Ultimas (and, indeed, of most other CRPGs to that point).

Gone were the depictions of cities and towns as single-tile icons on an “overworld” map, which had to be “entered” for the player to be taken to another map full of buildings and NPCs. In Ultima VI buildings and NPCs are present alongside mountains and forests – all of Britannia can be explored in one go.

许多实用程序允许玩家编辑《创世纪 6》的地图、图形和对话。有关更多详细信息,请参阅:www.ultima6.ultimacodex.com 网站

Numerous utilities exist to allow players to edit the map, graphics, and dialogue of Ultima VI. For more details, go to: www.ultima6.ultimacodex.com

游戏中的不列颠尼亚是活生生的世界。NPC 的日程安排的满满的:他们晚上睡觉,早晨醒来,坐下来吃饭,然后去打理商店或在城里闲逛;他们晚上关店,吃晚饭,然后回到自己的床上,休息并结束一天。

对于不同的玩家,《创世纪 6》可以是不同的游戏。游戏虽然简单上手,对新手来说没什么问题,但也为经验丰富的 CRPG 老兵提供了很多乐趣。它可以在两个小时内完成,也可以连续探索几个月。这是一个非常值得购买和探索的经典游戏。

And Britannia itself feels alive. NPCs are fully scheduled; they sleep at night, wake in the morning and sit down to eat, and go about their day tending a shop or wandering about town. They close up shop for the evening, eat dinner, and then return to their bed to rest for another day.

Ultima VI can be different games to different players. It can be approached casually, but offers much for the seasoned CRPG veteran to enjoy as well. It can be completed in under two hours, or explored for months on end. It's a classic title well worth purchasing and exploring.

Nuvie 允许您隐藏《创世纪 6》的 UI 并使用《创世纪 7》 中的新功能,例如对话框关键字。


Nuvie 新《创世纪 6》引擎 最初是为创建U6 引擎的开源实现而尝试的,该实现可以在现代操作系统下本机运行。但是 Nuvie 自那时起已经远远超出了 Eric Fry 的原始设计,现在提供了各种新功能,例如新的 UI,对话框关键字,新的图形等等。

Nuvie allows you to hide U6’s intrusive UI and use new features from Ultima VII, such as dialogue keywords.


The New Ultima VI Engine began as an attempt to create an open-source implementation of the U6 engine that could run natively under modern operating systems. But Nuvie has since grown far beyond Eric Fry’s original design and now offers various new features, such as a new UI, dialogue keywords, new graphics and much more.

在《创世纪 6》中可以避免的遭遇战通常都要在 U6P 中奋战到底。

《创世纪 6》项目(U6P)

与《创世纪 5:拉撒路》背后的团队合作创建,此 mod 使用《地牢围攻(Dungeon Siege)》引擎重现了《创世纪 6》。它增加了新的次要情节和辅助任务,但它也比原来的游戏更侧重于战斗。您可以在这里获取:www.u6project.com

Encounters that could be avoided in Ultima VI typically have to be fought out to their bitter end in U6P.

The Ultima 6 Project

Created in partnership with the team behind Ultima V: Lazarus, this mod offers a recreation of Ultima VI using the Dungeon Siege engine. It adds new subplots and side-quests, but it's also more combat-heavy than the original game. Get it here: www.u6project.com

GameDB 相关游戏: 创世纪 6:虚伪先知

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息

英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明



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