There are hundreds of systems to explore, ranging from our own solar system to even other dimensions.

在《星际控制 2》中和数量繁多的外星生命种族对话的时候总是令人捧腹。
Engaging in conversations with any of the numerous alien species in Star Control 2 is always amusing.

At the Starbase you can upgrade your flagship, trade resources, recruit crew members and buy new ships.

When landing on planets you must weigh up the danger of hazards such as electrical storms and intense heat.
随着时间发展,你探索了越来越多的星系,和不同种族交流,《星际控制 2》的故事线也逐渐浮出水面。有些种族很友善,另一些则不然。这就引出了游戏最棒的机制之一:战斗系统。
《星际控制 2》的战斗精彩纷呈。每个种族都有自己的舰船,并配置有独特的武器、防御和推进系统。飞船交战的场景是类似传统街机游戏《太空战争(Space War)》和《小行星(Asteroid)》的俯视 2D 视角。有些舰船的武器威力强大但距离较近,另一些则装备了制导导弹,还有可以瞬间转向的无惯性推进器等等。你船上的船员就是你的“生命值”,因为对手一次成功地攻击会杀死你的船员,如果所有船员都死了,那么舰船也就被摧毁了。有一艘舰船甚至能够牺牲自己的船员来增强武器的威力!
The storyline of Star Control 2 unfolded over time, as you explored the stars and spoke with the races you discovered. Some were friendly and some were not, which led to one of the best features of the game: the combat system.
Combat in Star Control 2 is nothing short of fantastic. Each race has its own ship, with unique weapons, defenses and propulsion. The ships fight in a 2D top-down arena reminiscent of the old arcade games Space War and Asteroid. Some ships have powerful but short-range weapons, while others have self-guided attack missiles, and others have inertialess propulsion and can literally turn on a dime. The crew on your ship acts as its “hit points”, because successful strikes will kill crew members and the ship is destroyed when all crew are dead. One ship even uses its own crew to power its weapons!
Each combat consists of one ship fighting one ship. Like the old rock-paper-scissors game, some ships can handily defeat other ships, but, unlike RPS, a highly skilled player can sometimes overcome a deficiency in a ship's capabilities.
2005 年,Toys for Bob 被动视收购了。《星际控制》系列的创始人 Fred Ford 和 Paul Reiche III 去做了颇具人气的《小龙斯派罗(Skylanders)》系列游戏。《星际控制》的版权被 Stardock 买下,他们于 2018 年发售了《星际控制:起源》(Star Control: Origins)。
Toys for Bob was acquired by Activision in 2005. Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III, the creators of Star Control, went on to create the popular Skylanders games. The Star Control license was brought by Stardock, who released Star Control: Origins in 2018.
每个种族在对话的时候还会播放自己独有的音乐,这些音乐是 MOD 格式的。MOD 格式的音频通过数字化的乐器采样来演奏曲谱,这些采样单独存储,只会占用非常小的体积。采用这一方法,不用像 MP3 那样用 100% 的数字化音乐一直占据大量电脑空间(以 1994 年的标准来看),也能给每个种族配上风格相去甚远的音乐。当时,《星际控制 2》有市面上最好的游戏音轨,这些音乐也为游戏内你会遇见的种族奠定了各自特色的基调。
自从《星际控制 2》1992 年发售以来,它一直被认为是有史以来最好的电子游戏之一。对我来说,它也是我在所有 CRPG 中最喜欢的一作。它对《辐射(Fallout)》和《奥秘(Arcanum)》这类开放世界游戏有着深远的影响,而我也会一直保留着对这作游戏的美好记忆。谢谢 Toys for Bob 带来这样一款优秀的游戏!
And with over two dozen races, by the end of the game there is a huge variety of ship types to choose from, not counting the player's own flagship, which is itself uniquely upgraded.
Each race also had its own music that played during its dialogue, and this music was based in MOD format, which using digitised samples of instruments to play the notes, which are stored independently of the samples and in a much smaller format. This allowed for wildly varying music for each race, but without the large computational overhead (in 1994 terms) of 100% digitised music like an MP3. At the time, Star Control 2 had some of the best-sounding music of any game on the market, and that music helped define the tone of each race that you encountered in the game.
Since its release in 1992, Star Control 2 has been considered one of the best computer game ever developed, and, for me, it remains my favourite CRPG of all time. You can see its influence in the open-endedness of Fallout and Arcanum, and I will always remember this game fondly. Thank you Toys for Bob for making such an amazing game!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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