Deus Ex was conceived with the idea that we'd accept players as our collaborators, that we'd put power back in their hands, ask them to make choices, and let them deal with the consequences of those choices. It was designed, from the start, as a game about player expression, not about how clever we were as designers, programmers, artists, or storytellers.
Warren Spector,
《杀出重围》项目总监Warren Spector,,
Deus Ex's project director

From small environmental details to side characters that comment on your actions and grow as the game progresses, Deus Ex's world feels alive and real.
你要完成的任务和探索的区域有机地结合在了一个大世界和故事线中,他们和原来独立的场景一样丰富。玩家扮演 J. C. 登顿(J. C. Denton),配备了高级纳米科技强化组件的你是 UNATCO[2] 的贵重资产,而你的任务是探索这个被广泛存在的恐怖主义、政治压迫和神秘的传染病所毒害的世界,解开一张阴谋与谎言之网。尽管背景阴郁,但《杀出重围》既不涉及道德上的绝对性,也没有陷入犬儒主义。相反,它展现的是一个不同寻常且存在差异的世界,其中存在着善与恶的界线,但有所争议。

Replaying the game with different augmentations and skills will show you new and surprising facets of familiar places, yet, unlike spiritual successors such as Dishonored, these decisions never restrict you to either a stealth or combat-only playstyle. Instead, your choices allow for new and interesting approaches to each individual obstacle.
The missions you undertake and places you explore are meaningfully embedded in a world and story no less rich than these individual spaces. As J.C. Denton, valuable asset of UNATCO with his superior nano-technological augmentations, it's your task to untangle a web of conspiracies and lies in a world suffering from widespread terrorism, political oppression and a mysterious plague epidemic. Despite its bleakness, Deus Ex deals neither in moral absolutes nor cynicism. Instead, it offers an uncommonly differentiated world where the lines between good and evil are present but contested.

Instead of just offering dialog choices, Deus Ex reacts to player's actions, shaping the narrative around them.
《杀出重围》的 PS2 移植版于 2002 年问世,与原版游戏有很大不同,因为大面积的区域被分割并重新设计,以便能够在主机运行。
The PS2 port of Deus Ex arrived in 2002 and is quite different from the original game, as large areas were split and redesigned to be able to run on the console.
你的敌人保持着自己的人性,而盟友的动机也并非无可置疑。与过时强化组件抗争的冈瑟· 赫尔曼(Gunther Hermann)正是一个通过广泛的笔触来有效塑造角色的绝妙例子。如果你想要在这方面更深入,那可以找到很多政治哲学、宗教、历史和超人类主义方面的课题。
The Nameless Mod:包含一场复杂的长战役,拥有优秀的关卡设计和两条独立的故事线。虽然背景设定有些傻,但体验不错。
ZODIAC:包含 6 个关卡的优质合集,玩家扮演保罗·登顿(Paul Denton)来揭开游戏中的秘密。
Deus Ex: Nihilum:优秀的玩家自制战役。
GMDX:一款获奖的 mod,在尽可能忠实于原作的基础上增强了 AI、画面、强化组件、技能、专长和难度。
Deus Ex: Revision:和 GMDX 相似,但是在玩法上的改造更“自由”。可在 Steam 下载。
HDTP/New Vision:两个升级游戏画面的 mod。Revision 和 GMDX 都使用了它们。
Shifter/BioMod:这两个 mod 很有争议,它们对平衡和玩法做了激进的改造。
Replaying the game with different augmentations and skills will show you new and surprising facets of familiar places, yet, unlike spiritual successors such as Dishonored, these decisions never restrict you to either a stealth or combat-only playstyle. Instead, your choices allow for new and interesting approaches to each individual obstacle.
The missions you undertake and places you explore are meaningfully embedded in a world and story no less rich than these individual spaces. As J.C. Denton, valuable asset of UNATCO with his superior nano-technological augmentations, it's your task to untangle a web of conspiracies and lies in a world suffering from widespread terrorism, political oppression and a mysterious plague epidemic. Despite its bleakness, Deus Ex deals neither in moral absolutes nor cynicism. Instead, it offers an uncommonly differentiated world where the lines between good and evil are present but contested.
The Nameless Mod: A long and elaborate campaign, featuring great level design and two separate storylines. A great experience, even if the setting is a bit silly.
2027: A fan-made prequel to Deus Ex, very faithful in terms of gameplay, exploration and setting.
ZODIAC: An excellent set of six missions where you play as Paul Denton, uncovering the game's mysteries.
Deus Ex: Nihilum: Another great fan-made campaign.
GMDX: An award-winning mod that enhances the AI, graphics, augs, skills, perks and difficulty, while staying as faithful as possible to the original game.
Deus Ex: Revision: Similar to GMDX, but it takes more “liberties” with its gameplay changes. Available on Steam.
HDTP/New Vision: Two mods that update the game's graphics. They are featured in both Revision and GMDX.
Shifter/BioMod: Two rather controversial mods that make radical rebalancing and gameplay changes.
2 译者注:UNATCO 的全称是 United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition,即“联合国反恐联盟”。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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