生命是短暂的,人们必须尽心尽力做事来服务别人,人生如此短暂,我们不能坐视时间流逝。人们有义务寻求互相帮助的方法。我制作游戏能获得的金钱可是比我去研究 B-2 隐形轰炸机时少得多了,但我在游戏中给别人带去的快乐是无价的,这完全没有衡量标准。永远不要低估快乐的力量。

Life is very short and one must try to do what one can that best serves man. It's too short to just sit back content and watch the world go by. One is obligated to find ways to help one another. I received much less money creating games than when I worked on the B-2 Stealth bomber, but the joy I brought to so many people with the games is priceless, completely without measure. Never underestimate the power of joy.

Philip Price,
Philip Price,
Alternate Reality's creator


Alternate Reality features intense use of music. Some locations have unique songs, with lyrics that appear in sing-along style on the screen.

《城际》发行后,Philip Price 因为与游戏发行商的问题而离开。于是续集《超现实地带:地下城》1987 年才会面世,它由 Ken Jordan 和 Dan Pinal 在 Price 的指导下开发,Gary Gilbertson 再次为游戏提供了丰富多样的音乐。



After the release of The City, Phillip Price left due to issues with the game's publisher. And so the sequel, Alternate Reality: The Dungeon, would arrive only in 1987, developed by Ken Jordan and Dan Pinal with some notes from Price and with Gary Gilbertson again providing a rich variety of music.

The Dungeon is a solid dungeon crawler that can be played without The City and feels like a full game. It offers several quests found either through exploring or by visiting the Oracle, who will assign quests if a suitable offering is made. Through completing these quests the player learns a lot more about the nature of Alternate Reality's environment and his kidnappers.

New features included a greatly expanded range of items such as scrolls, tarot cards, magical eyes, wands, as well as more unique locations across four dungeon levels, spell-casting and an interesting guild system where membership in one guild made you an instant enemy with a rival guild.

《超现实地带 X》是前两部游戏的现代粉丝重置版,允许你在《城际》和《地下城》探索。它目前正在开发中,但是您已经可以在以下位置尝试进入:www.crpgdev.com

Alternate Reality X is a modern, fan remake of the first two games, that allows you to freely move between The City and The Dungeon. It's currently in development, but you can try it at www.crpgdev.com

遗憾的是,这个系列游戏从未真正完成。《竞技场》的地图设计文档都完成了,但却一直没有开始编程工作。到了那个时候,如 Amiga 、Atari ST 和 IBM PC 这样的 16-bit 计算机才是主流,那个年代已经不再是 8-bit 计算机的市场了。

《城际》慢慢被移植到这些新的计算机上,在图形方面有了很大的改进,但是开发者没有包括 Price 创建的补丁系统,所以移植的游戏无法与其他场景相链接。

最后这些都无所谓了,因为《地下城》就根本没有 16-bit 的移植。当游戏发行商 Datasoft 停业时,Amiga 和 IBM PC 的版本才大约完成了 70%。

如今,仍然有玩家勇敢地走在 Xebec's Demise 的街道和地下城的廊道里,试图发现更多神秘的《超现实地带》的秘密,并希望有一天能够最终将自己的角色带回地球。

Sadly, the series was never completed. A design document for The Arena was completed but coding never began. By that time 16-bit computers such as the Amiga, Atari ST and the IBM PC were the rule, and the market had moved away from all the 8-bit machines. The City would be ported to these new computers, now featuring vastly improved graphics, but the developers did not include the patch system Price had created, so the ports were unable to link with other scenarios.

In the end, that didn't matter, as The Dungeon never got a 16-bit port. Versions for the Amiga and IBM PC were about 70% complete when the game's publisher, Datasoft, went out of business.

Today players still brave the streets of Xebec's Demise and the corridors of The Dungeon, trying to discover yet more secrets of the mysterious Alternate Reality and hoping that one day they will be able to finally bring their characters back to Earth.


Besides fighting, players can also try to Charm or Trick foes if their Charisma and Intelligence are high enough.


The Dungeon added a four-level maze to explore, with various new interactions, events, enemies and quests.

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息

英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明



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